«Die Liebe sagt, ich bin alles. Die Weisheit sagt, ich bin Nichts. Dazwischen fliesst mein Leben.»
Sri Nisargadatta
Offers Karmacircus
The mind creates the abyss –
the heart crosses it.
The mind creates the abyss –
the heart crosses it.

©Photo by Mädy Georgusis
Current Events
I currently offer various workshops, classes and Sat Sangha evenings in the Zurich and Winterthur region. More information can be found on the Karmacircus offers page.

©Photo by Mädy Georgusis

Philosophie Karmacircus
Yoga in a holistic approach makes use of the interplay between opposed polarities. Its magic is unlocked by finding the golden middle way between determination and surrendering and staying deeply connected throughout body, mind and heart.

As I for the first time got in touch with Yoga in in 2002, I intuitively knew, that within eastern philosophy I could find more gateways towards a path of liberation. Hence, a few years later I travelled to India, where an unknown world opened up to me and for more than a decade, I returned every winter for several months to Asia.